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Seminar on Warehouse Receipts Law

The UP Institute of Government and Law Reform (UP IGLR), in partnership with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), invites you to the Seminar on Warehouse Receipts Law on November 6, 2024 (Wednesday) from 2:00 to 5:30 P.M. at the Malcolm Theater, UP College of Law, Quezon City.
The seminar aims to provide a clearer understanding of warehouse receipts laws and a discussion on best practices in warehouse receipts systems through the presentation of Mr. Nicholas Budd, a retired partner of international law firms White & Case and Dentons, specializing in trade and commodity finance. This will be followed by an open forum, with reactions from representatives from the private sector, government, and the academe.
Join us as we explore the evolution of the warehouse receipts law and gain a deeper appreciation for its role in facilitating modern commerce.
Pre-register on or before November 01, 2024 here: